Everyone wonders is there really such a thing as true love. Is it possible to find the one significant person who completes you in every way. All anyone wants is to be treated right, loved without pain, and taken care of in other ways then material possessions. Love is suppose to be when your heart yearns for no other then that one person, and when every time that person is seen by you your face lights up in a true smile, your heart beats fast, and there is the feeling that there is no others in the room except for you and the other person.
There are different other types of "love"the kind where its not really deep emotional feelings for the person but the love for them of a parent, a sibling, aunts, uncles, cousins, that type of love. Then there is the "love" when in reality it is only a crush upon another person, in other words a false lead on the path to perhaps happiness.
There are many out there that believe sex equals love. That if you perform the act of passion that it shows love, but in reality it doesn't. There are people who after you commit the act of passion turns from the other person, leaves, the other person, and gloats that they got as far as they did with you. Really there is no need for sex unless you plan on spending the rest of your life with the one you commit the act with.
To quote Jeff Zinnert "Love is eternal ; the aspect may change but the essence is forever" which if interrupted means a variety of different things such as Love is there should you find it and then break up it will always be there, lying dormant, but there. It is always possible to awaken it but if not it would carry through the lives you live. Every time you are reborn it would be there until you and the other person finally settle down together forever.
How do you tell the signs of true love? Well that is very simple to explain but difficult to see and know when the signs are in your life. In true love the one that is meant for you.....
-feels like your best friend in the whole world
-you feel absolutely blessed to have them
-you care about their thoughts and feelings
-willing to compromise with them on anything
-you feel like the person is your whole world
-you can spend time apart and know that you are thinking of each other,
-your friends and family truly approve
-there are fights but you are always able to resolve them
-you enjoy the time spent with them even when there is nothing spectacular happening and its just spent in silence
-you put aside what you want just to make the other person happy
-you respect their opinions always and always talk to them when something is bothering you
-there is no worries about cheating on each other cause it would never happen
-emotionally connected always shares thoughts and feelings with each other
-committing to the other doesn't scare either of you
-when disagreeing you always understand each others opinions and thoughts
-no desires to see anyone else but the other person
-genuinely cares and wants happiness for each other
-always listens to each other...
if none of these things are in the relationship then it isn't true love just a false turn in love that will most likely lead you to pain and heartbreak.
To quote Bryce Courtney "Love is energy : it can neither be created nor destroyed. It just is and always will be, giving meaning to life and direction to goodness...love will never die". Interrupted it means as it says love cannot be destroyed if you truly love someone, and they are meant to be your soul mate, then you will overcome all obstacles together, never apart. You stay by each others side and though many things try to separate and ruin soul mates the strongest and truest love and the real love in your lives remain together for eternity.
There are cases that if you do find your soul mate there is the possibility they are with another and unaware they are meant to be with you. There are ways people try to overcome that obstacle by becoming friends, getting close but knowing in their heart they are still so far away from their soul mate, and then there is the possibility that they would just leave and allow their soul mate to remain with the other person and live in their false happiness.
Must be wondering how does this writer know of true love and then heartache of it in such a situation. To that there is a simple explanation, this writer is living through it. Having found their soul mate and being forced to watch from afar the one they so truly love be happy with another. It is painful feels like a stake to the heart, and feels like though this writer is so close to her soul mate she still has to stumble upon the path of false love just to keep suspicions sown and to avoid prosecution on the behalf of her love for the one from the woman that he is with. Now look what happened this writer has started to ramble about her own love life well anyways last quote and joined is a video that is to be something for all those that are forced to or choose to go through what this writer is suffering through. To quote the legendary William Shakespeare "Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes. Being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers' tears. What is it else? A madness most discreet, a choking gall and a preserving sweet."
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